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Elevate your life.


Life Coach & Mental Health Coach

Meet Isabelle

Hi! I'm Isabelle. I'm an educator, life coach, mental health coach, and spiritual mentor.  I'm also the Spiritual Formation Director at my church here in Seattle. 


My passion is to see God's people discover who they are in Christ and live in the power of that freedom and identity. I believe God has a beautiful purpose for your life, and He longs for a deeper relationship with you. Knowing who God is and knowing who you are in Him are the foundation for knowing and living out your calling and purpose. 


I have personally seen and experienced God's transformative power in my life over the last 30 years of my faith journey. I know that He is faithful and loving, is a God who heals and restores, and who guides and speaks to us.


I offer Life Coaching and Mental Health Coaching from a Christian perspective.​​​​​ Both involve prayer, spiritual disciplines, spiritual mentoring, and the application of biblical wisdom.


I would love to hear your story and learn how to support you in this season of your life. I look forward to connecting with you.

Life Coaching
Softcover Book

Types of Coaching

Life Coaching & Mental Health Coaching


Life Coaching

Life Coaching is about meeting you where you are in your life and supporting you to get to where you want to be. Coaching is about looking forward, setting goals, discovering your strengths and passions, clarifying your vision for your life, and taking action steps to move forward to realize that vision. This can be related to work, relationships, health, faith, weight loss, and finding your vocation.


Mental Health Coaching

Mental Health Coaching involves developing a deeper awareness of yourself, learning effective tools to better manage challenges, and emotions, and to reframe one's thinking.  It provides a framework for processing life situations from a Christian perspective. It includes doing homework such as self-assessments, reading, journaling, clarifying your goals or life purpose, and growing in your faith.

Discipleship & Spiritual Mentoring

Both types of coaching involve elements of spiritual mentoring.

Spiritual Mentoring is about having someone who encourages you to invest in your relationship with God, who walks with you as you grow in faith, who prays with you, and who supports you in discovering who God has created you to be.  It involves practicing spiritual disciplines to deepen your connection with God and making space for Him to do His transforming work in your heart and mind. 

Why Coaching

Why Life Coaching or Mental Health Coaching?

It can help with

Mental Health Support

Goal Setting & Accountability

Spiritual Formation

Clarifying Goals,
Values, & Purpose

Colossians 3:1-2

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above,

where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 

Set your minds on things above,

not on earthly things.

The Coaching Process


Coaching is designed to provide you with support as you navigate your life in the direction of your desired goal. Coaching helps to give you clarity to determine actionable next steps for your life. You will get unstuck and move forward into the life God has for you. 


We meet once a week (or every other week) for one hour over several weeks to clarify your goal, take steps forward, and establish momentum.  It requires faith, courage, commitment, and accountability.


You will be supported, encouraged, mentored, and covered in prayer.




Contact Me

Isabelle Kluge Sanderson

 M.A, M.Div, M.Ed, Ed.D

Board Certified Mental Health Coach





Seattle, Washington

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